10 April 2007

Spreekt U Engels?

We had some errands to do today and found ourselves on a few buses, tubes, and crowded streets along the way. The most interesting thing about this comment, which we spotted from the upper deck of our bus, is that it appears to have been scrawled by someone inside the building, perhaps responding to some criticisms of the area?
This was the sight that greeted us at Angel tube station on our way home-- some kind of stuffed-animal brawl, complete with torn up tickets and an aftermath of exhaustion. When we arrived home, we noticed that our new Columbia Road hydrangea is making itself right at home in our flat,
but it'll have to fend for itself for a few days because tomorrow we're off on the Eurostar again, this time to:
We're planning on visiting Brugge, Antwerpen, and Brussels in our four days in Belgium and as always, I shall be your dutiful photographer and will blog my little heart out after we get back so that you can see what we've been up to!


Clive Andrews said...

have a good time in Brussels. Some good friends of mine are living there, and discovering the city as you are London.

You might get some tips from Simon's blog.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen and Bob!!!
Grant and Audrey here, checking out your blog and really impressed with your dedication!
Sounds like you guys are really settling into the lifestyle over there. Keep up the good work and give us a personal line to tell us how it's really going.
Miss you, Grant (yes, I really wrote this) and Audrey.