20 May 2007

My Shropshire Adventure: Day One

Lisa, Jonathan, Bronwen, and I got out of London mid-afternoon, with a stop at Pete and Emma's (longtime friends of Jonathan and Lisa's) along the way, where the adults had some lovely, just-out-of-the-oven shortbread, courtesy of Pete, while the wee one amongst us dug into a bagel as big as her head (don't worry--she didn't finish it in one sitting).
It was perfect driving weather--not too sunny and not too dark. Bronwen got in some much-needed sleep during the drive, and when we got to Jonathan's dad's house, she was happy to be plunked down between Jemima Puddleduck and Peter Rabbit for a photo-op in Graham's garden.
After a bit of tea, we made our way to our home for the next few days,
arriving at Edna and John's around 9:00 P.M. Jonathan whipped us up a quick supper of scrambled eggs, toast, and scones. While the comfort food was delicious and extremely welcome after our long drive, what really intrigued me was the machine on which it was cooked: This was my first time seeing an Aga and am I ever impressed: functional, built-to-last, and simply gorgeous, this cooker is a work of art. Edna and John's Aga is about fifty years old and shows no sign of its age. Always on, it heats the entire kitchen, making it the cosiest room in the house. In case you can't tell, I WANT ONE! After supper, we said our goodnights and headed to bed in the absolute silence and darkness of the country night.

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