11 May 2007

Our Vancouver Visit: Bye for Now

My last day in Vancouver was an odd one: Dianne showed up for a doctor's appointment that didn't end up happening because of a mix-up on the office's part, the car wouldn't start when we tried to head out for some last-minute errands, I showed up for a haircut that was cancelled because my stylist was in a car accident (she's okay). Basically nothing seemed to be going as planned! We sought solace in Wicked Café's fantastic coffee (bad name, great coffee), courtesy of Intellegentsia,
before heading back to Bruce and Dianne's for some final bits of packing and a "goodbye Vancouver" take-out dinner. The box may not look fancy, but the contents (probably my last sushi meal for a long while) were absolutely delicious.
Bob dropped me off at the airport
and after staring out onto the tarmac for a while,
I was on my way back to London . . .

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