24 May 2007

Trafalgar Green

Trafalgar Square has been remade into Trafalgar Green today and tomorrow, as part of a promotion of London's greenspaces. Instead of seeming strange, seeing grass where there's usually just concrete was quite nice.
The crowd made good use of the unusual circumstances, and the fact that the turf was still quite damp didn't stop people from claiming a piece of lawn as their own.
It's too bad that the square can't remain this way, but after tomorrow the turf will be placed in Bishop's Park, so at least the grass won't be wasted. After spending a bit of time on the green, I headed into the National Gallery (directly behind the "green") for a wander through many of the rooms that I haven't yet visited. With all the things there are to do in London, it's sometimes easy to forget the obvious ones, but the free collections at the National Gallery are always well worth some of your London time.

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