12 May 2007

Trying Not to Sleep Just Yet

My flight back to London wasn't direct; we dropped off some passengers in Belfast before landing at London's Gatwick airport. The area around the Belfast airport was pretty and lush
but this non-verdant London sight was the one that made me feel like I was back home.
We often find ourselves going through King's Cross in one way or another (tube, rail, bus), and I took this photo while waiting at our usual bus stop, so this image of the station with St. Pancras rising behind it is a very familiar one. Anyway, after arriving at Gatwick at 3:30 P.M., I took the train to King's Cross, bought some milk and bread at the station (since I already knew it was doubtful I'd have energy to go out again later), bussed home, and walked in our front door just before 6:00 P.M., more than 15 hours after I left Bruce and Dianne's house. The rest of the evening was then spent fighting an immediate bedtime!

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