09 May 2007

Our Vancouver Visit: Change of Plans (8 May)

Dianne spotted this sign from the car today:
Although of course it's a mistake, I like how this business' call to "get your body read" actually pretty accurately describes what they are saying people will do to your body, so you better come on in and get it tanned and toned! After a day of errands and puttering around, it was nice to get back down to the West End for dinner, this time at Zakkushi--a place known for their charcoal-grilled skewers and great dishes to share. When I took this photo, Bob said, "But we don't even have any food yet!" but the setting was pretty enough on its own to deserve a photo:
Starting off with a great, nutty buckwheat tea, we both loved this spinach and lotus root salad,
as well as our next dish of puffed, grilled mochi (sticky rice) with nori in a teriyaki sauce.
Bob's all-time favourite dish was next: kimchi mentaiko udon (buttery noodles with spicy pickled cabbage and spicy fish eggs).
We had quite a few skewers, but these were the only ones that I remembered to photograph: cheese-topped mochi wrapped around grilled pork on the left, and pork wrapped around quail's eggs, topped with mayo and nori on the right.
Amazingly, we still had room for dessert, so Bob had the brilliantly named "Pooh Bear's afternoon snack" of ice cream, toast, and maple syrup,
while I had my favourite dessert of green tea ice cream with sweet red bean.
We finished dinner just in time to catch the sunset
and were going to walk on the seawall for a bit, but it was super-windy, so we decided to drive around the park instead, snapping pics along the way.

Just as we were leaving the park, we noticed this sailboat out in the blustery water. I couldn't tell if they had meant to be out in such choppy conditions, but since it had been windy for quite a few hours by now, I figure they must have known what they were in for and were maybe just looking for a windy thrill, unlike us, for whom driving in the wind was good enough! Today's last picture is from Bruce and Dianne's wall calendar:
As some of you already know, Dianne didn't have her surgery as scheduled--it was cancelled at the VERY LAST possible second--and now she hopes to have her surgery by the end of the month, although as we've experienced firsthand, nothing is definite until it actually happens. We are happy that she continues to do well, which is the most important thing to keep in mind, but since the whole point of us coming to Vancouver was to spend time with Bob's parents before, during, and after Dianne's surgery, we've decided that Bob will stay in Vancouver and not return to London with me on 11 May as originally planned. This means that Our London Adventure will be a truncated My London Adventure for a while, but I'll try to figure out some way to keep the adventuring going without Bob, at least temporarily . . .

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