10 May 2007

Our Vancouver Visit: Lemon Cake

It's difficult to believe that we arrived in Vancouver twenty days ago--we're not really sure where all that time went! Suddenly it's my last full day here and I have to start thinking about getting ready to leave tomorrow. Lilac perfumed the living room as I typed on the laptop
and I made excellent use of the clothesline one last time--clothes just aren't the same dried on indoor racks.
When Bob and I arrived in Vancouver back on 21 April, we were treated to a wonderful family dinner--but I'm getting an equally lovely sendoff, as Dianne made one of my favourite desserts today: lemon cake. (I love Dianne's lemon cake!) And I owe this photo to Bruce, since he pulled the cake out of the fridge and called me from the kitchen: "I'm going to have some lemon cake! Where's your camera, Jenny? Don't you want to take a picture of it first?" Why yes, yes I do.

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