06 May 2007

Our Vancouver Visit: Taking Photos

Often when we're walking, I'll stop to take a photo of something and Bob will turn around and ask me what I'm doing (since I frequently appear to be taking photos of nothing). Today's stop was for: As many of you have remarked to me since we've been back in Vancouver, there sure are a lot of food pictures on this blog! And as some of you have found out while eating with me recently, taking photos of one's food/ drink in public can often feel a bit odd. In London, there are so many people everywhere and quite a few tourists wielding cameras (plus you see many daily sights in London that are much stranger than little old me aiming a camera down at the table), so I don't really feel self-conscious about taking photos all the time. Vancouver's a bit different, but I've been doing my best not to feel too strange about the whole thing. Our dinner tonight at Yoshi (a five-minute walk from our old apartment) was definitely worth recording for future lamenting over when we're back in London. We started with tuna marinated in gomae sauce--incredible!
Next up was one of my favourite vegetables (usually translated as "mountain vegetable," most easily described as a member of the fern family, with tender stems and buds) with marinated mushrooms and a wild yam pureƩ on top, which was an amazing array of textures and flavours.
Yoshi does incredible tempura--not the soggy kind that oozes oil and squishy vegetables inside--Yoshi's is light, crisp, not oily at all, and the veggies are crisp and flavourful inside. The dipping sauce is also perfection.
And finally, the important stuff--the sushi course. Mmm!

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