24 May 2007

Out in the Open (23 May)

Jonathan drove me to Shrewsbury this morning so I could catch my train back to London. When I mentioned I had yet to get my rabbit photo, he told me to have my camera ready as we drove down the narrow road from his mum's house. The road is lined with hedges and rabbits frequently hop in and out of the greenery, so our odds were good. Suddenly, Jonathan yelled, "There! There!" and I aimed the camera in the general direction of his pointing and took a few photos. At the time, I couldn't tell if I had actually completed my wish list of Shropshire animal photos, but when I got home, I realised that although this is technically a photo of a rabbit, it's not quite what I had in mind--in case you need help spotting the rabbit, he's mostly hidden by the grass, but you can see the tips of his ears just left of middle.
The train back to London was quick and easy, although returning to the hustle and bustle of the city after the wonderful quiet of the country was a bit strange. I decided to wander up to Church Street to get a few things and also pass by the Clissold Park animal enclosure in search of the close-up, out-in-the-open rabbit photo that eluded me in Shropshire. Sometimes the city comes through if you know where to look!
I almost missed this wee bunny eating lunch at the base of this tree

and this pic is my favourite of the lot--I wonder what the tiny bunny must think of his incredibly stretched-out colleague?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the great pictures of your Shropshire adventure. Yes, I will admit, that I'm a sucker for that cutie Bronwen, but now I have a better idea of where she's been hanging.
Hopefully I'll get to go next year.