30 September 2007

4:30 P.M. Is a Bit Early

On our walks through the city, I'm usually the one who laments that we don't have space for a great curbside find, but today it was Bob's turn to sigh:
We think this building houses a recording studio or rehearsal space, and it seems that they no longer want their organ. In spite of leaving his treasure behind, I think Bob would agree that it was a great day for a walk up to Clissold Park.
The cool wind that's sprung up recently took a break today and the park was lovely in the autumn sun. Our only reminder that winter's coming was our peek at the Clissold Park sign, which lists the park's closing hours (tied to the timing of dusk)--currently 7:00 P.M., but in only a month, it'll be back to the 4:30 P.M. it was when we arrived in London in December!

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