29 September 2007

Watch Where You Step

Today was a bit of a lazy Saturday, and we decided to walk along the rather idyllic New River path on our way to nowhere in particular. Along the way, Bob suddenly stopped, grabbed my arm, and looked down at his feet. This is what we saw:
The little guy was a bit stunned, so Bob picked him up and set him down on the nearby grass, where we hope he soon regained his jump! Leaving the path, we zigzagged across the neighbourhood, and I noticed this sign delivering its ominous message rather matter-of-factly, as if it were saying, "Slow: children at play."
There was indeed glass up there, in the form of broken bottles sticking up along the top border of the wall. Not the loveliest form of home security, but probably reasonably effective. We spotted this slightly less cohesive message on this ad for a local paper:
That's some crackdown!

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