27 September 2007

Big Brava Watchin U

Bob and I strolled along this nondescript street today:
Vyner Street may not have the most inviting-looking buildings,
and this slang-filled sign outside a taxi company reminds passers-by that cameras patrol the street,
but the street contains quite a few interesting galleries, and their close proximity to one another means that a visit here is bound to be a convenient, interesting dip into some current exhibits. Our first stop was not our style at all, but the second gallery had my favourite show of the day. Hat Stand was playful, I liked Mini Cab Office and Artist in Studio,
and Master Baker was the piece that made me smile the most. The next show we wandered through was a bit underwhelming (although one video did make me laugh and cringe at the same time as I watched a child mix cola and yogourt into the most disgusting slurry and declare it delicious), and the last gallery we stopped in at contained some pleasing geometric sculptures that were counterbalanced with giant jugs of water--I resisted the temptation to see what would happen if I lifted the jugs off the sculptures! From Vyner Street, we walked for a bit, passing this restaurant that didn't seem to be delivering what its name was promising: What's this amongst the bicycles? It's a chicken!
This will make more sense when I tell you where we had walked over to:
Birds were the first residents we encountered at the farm,
including geese (from left to right: Gregory, Florence, and Abigail--Gregory was born on the farm and is its oldest resident, at 23 years old)
and this especially cute fluffy-footed white chicken.
Along with some nearby sheep and cows, these enormous pigs enjoyed the sunshine with their avian friends.
Of course, not all the animals at the farm are big!
This doorway is near the entrance to the farm, and the small animal door at the bottom made me laugh--I don't know what animal uses that door, but whatever it is, it must be one tough Hackney resident!

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