08 September 2007

Saturday Reading

Well, it's been a while since we've been to the Camden Arts Centre, and I wanted to see the current exhibit before it closed next week, so we headed over to check out the show. Although it was a bit underwhelming in the end, the Camden Arts Centre café is always a great place to while away the dying hours of an afternoon, and I was excited to learn that their next exhibition was the same one I had loved at Stockholm's Moderna Museet and that I'd soon get a chance to spend a bit more time pondering again. We had our usual treats (although mine now comes in a revamped can, complete with a little foil cover over the top--ooooh, what excitement) and spent an hour over the café's various magazines and Saturday newspapers
before heading home to make dinner. Close to our train stop, on a street on which we've walked many times before, I noticed this cute window for the first time, with its eyes, nose, enormous mouth (complete with teeth), thick sideburns, and beard:
Okay, maybe I was a bit hungry . . .

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