18 September 2007

Tough Guys . . . But Not That Tough

Jonathan, Bob, and I arrived home this afternoon within minutes of each other--Bob from school, me from the supermarket, and Jonathan from coffee in Islington with his celebrity friends--hmm, whose afternoon sounds best? After a bit of lounging around our flat, with me on one couch, flipping through the newspaper; Bob indulging in his new favourite pastime, Facebook Scrabble;
and Jonathan having a dance party for one on the other couch,
we decided it was time to eat! Jonathan took us to a lovely pub not too far from home, and after we ordered, Bob and Jonathan looked the Londoner part on their mobiles. The menu was quite tempting and we had a tough time deciding what to get, but at least we could immediately cross off the last of the mains: whole roast suckling pig with trimmings for ten people, for which you need to provide 48 hours' notice and shell out £250! Bob and I ended up getting the same thing, spinach and mushroom pie with garlic mash, which was impeccably presented: The food itself was delicious, and the pie was full of tasty gravy that Bob didn't want to waste:
Our puddings (remember, fellow Canadians: UK "pudding" equals Canadian "dessert," not Canadian "pudding") were also fantastic. We all had a taste of each other's, and although they were all great, Bob and I agreed that Jonathan had won best "pud" with his ginger pudding and ice cream:
Bob had sticky toffee pudding and clotted cream:
Mine was upside-down spiced apple cake and fresh custard:
All in all, a delightfully satisfying meal! I got the boys to pose outside The Albion, and although they initially decided to try for a "tough" look, that was somewhat destroyed when a man on a scooter drove through the photo, waving and smiling like he wanted his picture taken too. So, that explains the tough-guy postures, with the added smiles:

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