01 September 2007

You'll See It First Right Here, Folks!

Well, we got back to London last night, still a bit stunned at all the wonderful places in Scotland and England that we saw in the last two weeks, and even more surprised this morning to find that it's already September--how did that happen? Anyway, check back soon as photos will start pouring in (once I get myself organised), including one of the Loch Ness monster! Yes, WE FOUND NESSIE and will no doubt be collecting our millions of £s as newspapers, magazines, and TV programmes around the world clamour for our photo. I did an oral presentation on the Loch Ness monster when I was in grade 4, in which I concluded that Nessie did not exist and anyone who believed otherwise was a very silly person, much to the dismay of a few of my believing classmates. Is my grade-4 self ever embarrassed now!

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