10 September 2007

All Those Must-Haves

I love this kind of shop:
Actually, I'm quite surprised that we never bought anything from this shop when we were setting up house, since it has a cheap assortment of stuff that turns over quite quickly--and it's just off Stoke Newington Church Street. We looked here quite often when we were desperate for a chest of drawers, but somehow that desperation turned into getting used to not having a dresser and well, here we are, still without one, and doing just fine. (It's funny how those things that you think you really need turn out to be things you forget about . . . a North American size fridge is another one of those "essentials" that I thought would be difficult to live without, but I've grown quite fond of our wee guy. It does help that supermarkets here sell things in small sizes though; a UK-apartment-sized fridge would be a hassle with Canadian-sized packaging.) Anyway, the shop may be old, but the mural is relatively new and I think it really livens up the spot. I'm very disappointed with myself that I didn't notice until I got home that the game on the cabinet is Scrabble Deluxe, though!

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